In Collaboration With The US Army Corps of Engineers


GitHub Repository

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About The Game

​ I Spy Water Safety is a video game designed to teach a young audience of the importance of water safety in collaboration with US Army Corps. Our game is focused on the safety near and in lakes. The goal was to educate people in proper water safety etiquette as well as provide the knowledge in a fun video game format. Our project consists of three scenes; a beach front, the docks, and the lake. Each section is filled with NPCs performing acts that are not following Water Safety Protocols and the goal of the user to find those NPC's



World Layout


Beach Area


Docks Area


Lake Area



To access the administrator settings, it requires a password access. Within this menu we can find the data collection for the data. Also, it allows administrators to change the volume levels, resetting the leaderboard, and changing the admin settings password. On the statistics page, Cater's Lake can review scenarios users are missing the most. Each location has a list of each scenario provided with the amount of times it has been answered correctly and incorrectly.